Thursday 21 August 2014

Coloured rice for sensory play

Hello again today has been a baking a resource making kind of day. We made coloured rice ready for tomorrow. I am currently trying to teach my youngest little one her colours. At the moment she likes green and black....everything is green or black.

So I decided we should make some coloured rice for the sand tray. This would be good for her to learn about colours, space and measurement as well as sharing. So here it is our rice..

All you need is:

  • a bag of cheap long grain rice
  • white vinegar
  • food colouring or colour gels
  • tea spoon
  • cup
  • zip lock bag or container with lid 

Right firstly pour some rice into a cup 

Then pour into a zip lock bag or container. We used a container as it is always good to recycle and we will be doing more rice.
Next add a couple drops of food colouring or a small blob or two of gel colouring. We used gels, I shall add a link where to buy these from at the end. 
Then add 1/2 a tea spoon of vinegar. You can use one tea spoon if you find 1/2 isn't enough. 
Next pop the lid on the tub/close the bag and carefully shake the tub/bag until the rice is all coloured.
Ta darrrrr as you can see mine need a smidge more blue but we liked it. 
Now pour on to a tray that is lined with grease proof paper...we used foil this time as we have run out of grease proof paper. You can then make more of the same colour or different if you want to make a rainbow style sensory tub.

Leave to dry over night and then let the little ones play. 

Ours is currently drying out ready for tomorrow. I hope this is of some use to you.

Here is a link for the gels I bought. I use them for rice, spaghetti and play dough.